文旅策划|Cultural Tourism


Cultural tourism vacation is one of the three extended businesses for us. With the transition from single factor optimization to multi factor advantage integration in China’s cultural and tourism industry, the business form has been upgraded from serving tourists to serving the industry. Cultural and tourism vacation projects have gradually moved towards a new realm of paying equal attention to scenic spot sightseeing tourism and leisure vacation tourism, with both traditional and new business forms rising. Customized, luxurious and self-service new tourism formats emerge in endlessly. The cultural tourism holiday business promotes the industry to form a holiday product system with the functions of health care, research, sightseeing, theme recreation, etc., and strives to meet the needs of intergenerational tourism consumption and personal leisure vacation, highlighting the maximization of the value of leisure vacation tourism projects.



  • 风景资源优势的景区或旅游项目:依托先天的风景资源打造的旅游度假项目,主要包括旅游产业发展规划与运营策划、风景名胜区规划设计、国家级或省级登山健身步道、历史文化名城(镇)保护发展规划等旅游部门主导的项目。
  • 特色IP统领重资产投入的旅游项目:具有优势IP植入的旅游度假项目,主要包括主题公园规划设计、度假酒店与旅游度假区规划设计、旅游地产规划设计等综合规划或子项的规划设计研究任务。
  • 流行风向衍生的新型旅游项目:以客制化、快体验、互动性为特点,符合特定人群审美或体验的旅游项目,主要包括轻奢或野奢风的营地规划设计、重体验的休闲农业与乡村旅游规划设计、自然趣味的民宿设计等项目。
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