微景业务|Our Business



景观设计业务|Landscape Design


 第一部分 景观设计业务——理想人居(1个核心)


Landscape planning and design is the core business for us. From the perspective of “park city”, we should build a community of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes and grasses in the city, and lay out a high-quality green space system to achieve the harmony and unity of “people, city, environment and industry”. Through the construction of ecological landscape, we will strengthen the ecological, spatial and public attributes of green networks, and achieve six value goals, namely, fully demonstrate the ecological value of green water and green mountains, the aesthetic value of poetic living, the economic value of green and low-carbon, the humanistic value of cultural people, the value of healthy and pleasant life, and the social value of harmonious sharing.


  • 市政景观类项目:以城市绿地系统为框架,政府投资或者单位企业代建的城市公共绿地项目,主要包括城镇绿地系统规划、城市公园规划与设计、道路绿化工程、滨水绿地规划设计、(城市广场、商业街、办公环境等)、居住区景观设计、城市公园规划与设计、滨水绿地规划设计、旅游度假区与风景区规划设计等。
  • 办公商业居住景观类项目:围绕商业办公园区或者主体建筑,企业投资的二级开发项目中的景观规划设计,主要包括商业广场及附属绿地景观设计、企业办公园区景观设计、居住区景观设计或其他类型的附属绿地景观设计。
  • 生态系统保护修复类项目:以实现生态保护和修复为目标,“山水湖田草沙”系统治理为思路,开展的重要生态系统保护和修复重大工程,主要包括森林修复、封山育林、小流域综合治理、人工种草、草原改良等项目。


城乡规划业务|Urban Planning

第二部分 城乡规划、文旅策划、全过程咨询业务(3个延伸)



Urban and rural planning business is one of the three extended businesses for us. The urbanization rate in China has reached 65%. Entering the middle and late stages of urbanization development, urban development has changed from “extension expansion” to “connotation development”. In the new period, we should not only solve some outstanding short board risks accumulated in the process of rapid urbanization, but also effectively meet the diversified and qualitative needs of different groups, promote the construction of new cities, and make cities more livable and employable. In the new era, we should adhere to the development idea of “people’s city” to drive the transformation of development mode. Urban and rural planning business is guided by a broader perspective and the advanced concept of urban-rural integration, and strive to contribute to building a new city that is livable, resilient, innovative, smart, green and humanistic.



  • 法定国土空间(城乡)规划及其延伸项目:依据《城乡规划法》构建的国土空间规划规划体系及相关延伸项目,主要包括国土空间总体规划、控制性详细规划、镇域规划、美丽乡村规划及相关研究课题类项目。
  • 国民经济五年规划及专项规划项目:以国民经济规划五年规划为纲领的发展规划及其所包含的各专项规划项目,主要包括国民经济发展规划纲要、各领域(基础设施、产业发展、重大项目、城乡环境等)专项规划和课题研究类项目。
  • 专项行动计划及实施方案类项目:以分领域或任务为抓手的行动计划或实施方案编制类项目,主要包括公园城市、城市更新、历史文化名称保护、产业发展促进、城市风貌与公共空间提升等专项行动计划或年度实施方案编制类项目。
  • 政府各业务部门或企业部门主导的非法定规划项目:政府业务部门或企业部门针对自身业务和发展情况编制的规划,主要包括城市更新与文化遗产保护规划、综合性地产开发与新城发展规划、旅游度假和娱乐设施策划与规划、产业园区与产业集成地产规划、企业发展规划等项目。


文旅策划业务|Cultural Tourism



Cultural tourism vacation is one of the three extended businesses for us. With the transition from single factor optimization to multi factor advantage integration in China’s cultural and tourism industry, the business form has been upgraded from serving tourists to serving the industry. Cultural and tourism vacation projects have gradually moved towards a new realm of paying equal attention to scenic spot sightseeing tourism and leisure vacation tourism, with both traditional and new business forms rising. Customized, luxurious and self-service new tourism formats emerge in endlessly. The cultural tourism holiday business promotes the industry to form a holiday product system with the functions of health care, research, sightseeing, theme recreation, etc., and strives to meet the needs of intergenerational tourism consumption and personal leisure vacation, highlighting the maximization of the value of leisure vacation tourism projects.



  • 风景资源优势的景区或旅游项目:依托先天的风景资源打造的旅游度假项目,主要包括旅游产业发展规划与运营策划、风景名胜区规划设计、国家级或省级登山健身步道、历史文化名城(镇)保护发展规划等旅游部门主导的项目。
  • 特色IP统领重资产投入的旅游项目:具有优势IP植入的旅游度假项目,主要包括主题公园规划设计、度假酒店与旅游度假区规划设计、旅游地产规划设计等综合规划或子项的规划设计研究任务。
  • 流行风向衍生的新型旅游项目:以客制化、快体验、互动性为特点,符合特定人群审美或体验的旅游项目,主要包括轻奢或野奢风的营地规划设计、重体验的休闲农业与乡村旅游规划设计、自然趣味的民宿设计等项目。


全过程咨询服务|Engineer Consulting


全过程咨询业务是WESCAPE微景“1+3+N”的业务发展构架中,三个延伸业务之一。全过程工程咨询服务并非要求项目全生命周期均由一家单位包办,而是根据项目决策、实施、运营三个阶段,结合甲方的优势特点将组织 、管理、经济和技术等业务进行调配,形成工程咨询服务包。通过联合多方资源,为客户提供包括项目的全过程管理以及投资咨询、勘察、设计、造价咨询、招标代理、监理、运行维护咨询等工程建设项目各阶段专业咨询服务。

Whole-process engineer consulting is one of the three extended businesses for us. Whole-process engineer consulting service does not require that the whole life cycle of the project should be arranged by one unit, but that the organization, management, economy and technology should be deployed according to the three stages of project decision-making, implementation and operation, combined with the advantages and characteristics of Party A, to form an engineer consulting service package. Through the combination of multiple resources, we will provide customers with professional consulting services at all stages of the project, including the whole process management of the project, investment consulting, survey, design, cost consulting, bidding agency, supervision, operation and maintenance consulting, etc.



  • 投资咨询:以服务项目审批或备案为目的,在项目决策及实施阶段开展的投资控制、造价咨询项目,主要包括项目建议书、可行性研究报告、初步设计概算、实施方案、资金申请报告等编制类项目。
  • 管理服务:由代建制、招标制促生的组织和管理类服务,主要包括全过程管理、招标代理、监理等。
  • 专项评价:服务项目开工或后续运营的专项评价类业务,主要包括交通影响评价、水影响评价、社会稳定影响评价、项目实施后评价等。


设计研究|Design Research

第三部分 泛设计类研究——星辰大海(N个探索)

泛设计类研究是WESCAPE微景未来支撑的N个探索领域,鼓励以爱好、兴趣为驱动,利用业余闲暇时间,通过“T+S+P”(长期的兴趣小组Team、临时的项目研讨会Studio、独立研发的个人Person)的多元模式,做短期内 “无用”的探索和实践,鼓励有想法的成员不定期将研发心得、技术路线、成果以讲座或脱口秀的方式公开授课或讲个段子,自娱娱人也好、激发灵感也罢,保持胡思乱想、保持学习钻研的状态是永远年轻的不二法门。


  • 空间设计类:不以服务特定甲方的空间设计研究,主要包括综合交通、城市设计、建筑设计、室内设计等兴趣类研究。
  • 工业设计类:以工业化视角开展的设计研究,主要包括动力或无动力游乐设施研究、交通工具设计研究、智能家居设计研究、房车改造设计、智慧园林互动设施研究等。
  • 平面及视频创作类:以软件设计平台为依托,进行的创造类研究,主要包括平面设计、短视频制作、广告设计等。
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