景观设计|Landscape Design
Landscape planning and design is the core business for us. From the perspective of “park city”, we should build a community of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes and grasses in the city, and lay out a high-quality green space system to achieve the harmony and unity of “people, city, environment and industry”. Through the construction of ecological landscape, we will strengthen the ecological, spatial and public attributes of green networks, and achieve six value goals, namely, fully demonstrate the ecological value of green water and green mountains, the aesthetic value of poetic living, the economic value of green and low-carbon, the humanistic value of cultural people, the value of healthy and pleasant life, and the social value of harmonious sharing.
- 市政景观类项目:以城市绿地系统为框架,政府投资或者单位企业代建的城市公共绿地项目,主要包括城镇绿地系统规划、城市公园规划与设计、道路绿化工程、滨水绿地规划设计、(城市广场、商业街、办公环境等)、居住区景观设计、城市公园规划与设计、滨水绿地规划设计、旅游度假区与风景区规划设计等。
- 办公商业居住景观类项目:围绕商业办公园区或者主体建筑,企业投资的二级开发项目中的景观规划设计,主要包括商业广场及附属绿地景观设计、企业办公园区景观设计、居住区景观设计或其他类型的附属绿地景观设计。
- 生态系统保护修复类项目:以实现生态保护和修复为目标,“山水湖田草沙”系统治理为思路,开展的重要生态系统保护和修复重大工程,主要包括森林修复、封山育林、小流域综合治理、人工种草、草原改良等项目。